“To understand me, you have to meet me and be around me. And then only if I'm in a good mood - don't meet me in a bad mood.” -- Avril Lavigne
Sunday, May 2, 2010, Delta Century 25 miles
Today was a total bust and I am not sure what happened. Just a day that was not meant to be... I overslept - by an HOUR - this morning, awoke at 6 am, the time I supposed to be checking in to start my ride. Two alarms are not sufficient, maybe louder ones? or maybe a clock in each room of the house? I hate it when I roll out of bed in a bad mood, I really like to reserve those moments for work days, not days I was looking forward too. I rushed out of the house, thank god I had everything ready to go and loaded the night before. I cannot shake the feeling that I am pushing my way through the air, like it has thickened somehow, creating more resistance.
Hit the road and notice the wind, my god, the wind, 20 mph with gusts over 30 mph. (I checked on NOAA, not just my keen guestimate on wind speed) I keep trying to psych myself up all the way to Lodi, keep telling myself that it is just wind... I am not a very good pep talk coach. Not climbing out of this funk, not a good sign.
Get to the sign up, and have to fight the urge to take the head off of the volunteers running sign up, they are unorganized, standing there chatting with riders standing in front of them waiting to sign in. I had to ask to be signed in, I had to ask for my wrist band, I had to ask for a route sheet, and I am getting more and more irritated. My employees would have recognized the look on my face and just gotten things done, they are a smart group of people. I managed to get away from the table with out snapping at anyone, I swear, I was nice.
Off on the road, starting the century 1 1/2 hours late, and a headwind right out of the gate. I can’t get speed up over 13 miles an hour, and I am passing people on the road. No one is moving at speed and my mood is sinking with each crank turn. 13 mph for 100 miles? I turn a corner, and hit a literal wall of wind, 9 mph is a struggle. I have down about 20 miles and I haven’t lifted my head once. I am guessing the countryside is beautiful, I wouldn’t know I didn’t really see it. I feel something shift in my mood, and I am done with this ride. I do not want to fight this wind for 100 miles, not gonna happen. I make the next turn and start heading back to the car.
1/3 of the way home I am suddenly so sleepy I can hardly keep my eyes open. Roll all the windows down, crank up the radio, finally pull into my garage, so foggy and cold for some reason. I let Joey in the house, curl up on the couch wrapped in a blanket. Woke up 5 hours later, still cold, but not as foggy.
It has to be my allergy meds, I have been taking more lately with the rain and warm weather I am not getting a break with my sinuses. So decision to make, do I back off on my meds and go through life with swollen sinuses and sneezing uncontrollably? Or, do I just roll with it and accept that the quality of spring rides are going to be a crap shoot depending upon allergen load?
I was really looking forward to this ride, I need to get back out there later this summer and do it on my own. The ride hits enough little delta towns to provide restock options for fluids and fuel. Maybe I can talk some friends into joining me...