Some background...

This blog originally started as a log of my attempts to get back into riding and getting back into shape after being down for most of a year (2009). I set a goal of riding 25 century distances (100 miles in a day OR 100 miles in a week (Sun thru Mon is my week) in a year's time. For the year's 2010 and 2011, the which I will in fact be 50, yes, fifty, 50 years immature. For the most part for this year, 2010, that is what it is, but there are so many more things I want to do, journeys to take, big and small that it will evolve into more than just a cycling journal.

This journal is primarily for me, to record what I did when, so that in 10 years I can remember it! For those that are interested and want to follow along, welcome. The writing is not great, Hemingway is resting easy I'm sure, but it is readable, if at times misspelled. Hopefully there will be some memorable days amongst all the days lived...

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Week 30 08/02/2010 - 08/08/2010

Work Commute 44 miles
Marin Century - Metric route  60 miles

104 miles  16th goal hit (grudgingly)

Oh today was frustrating. I woke up 30 minutes late and could not quite wake up on the drive down.  In fact I had to stop and get coffee, I was having to fight falling asleep as I drove.  I had the metric route on the Marin Century, which by the way is quite a production.  6 routes all departing from the same place, thousands of riders, CHP doing lane closures to allow us a clear lane on the two climbs I had going out (unfortunately I didn't get them on the way back).

It is cold in San Rafael when I arrive.  A low marine layer is hanging over the area, but I was certain it would burn off as we move inland, so I take off with just my arm warmers and vest.  Sign in, and head out, starting the ride about 7:15 am. My route takes me up and around Petaluma and back via Lucas Valley Road and Nicasio Rd.  Lucas Valley Rd is a long climb going out, about 3.5 miles at 4-6%, and coming back 9 to 10 miles.  I am freezing coming into the 1st rest stop, there is a long descent to it, which was fun, but today was really cold.  My energy levels are also tanking, I can't even seem to get up any speed on the downhills.  Need to figure out why I feel so depleted, maybe I didn't eat enough the week before?  I didn't sleep all that great the night before, but I don't sleep all that great most nights, it doesn't usually affect me like this.


Anyway, off to Petaluma, traffic really picks up on Pt Reyes-Petaluma Rd, hit the 2nd rest stop around 9:30 pm.  I am not hungry, but I force some food down, the ride back involves several climbs, I'll need some energy.  I do toy with the idea of just saying to hell with it and sagging in.  I am tired, achy, a little queasy, really don't feel good.  But onward and upward, at least the sun finally broke out as I left the 2nd rest stop, not really warm, but better than before.  I slog through the rest of the ride get back to the finish around 1:30, have lunch, and then fight to stay awake on the way home.

Kind of a disappointing day, my performance anyway, but I think I am going to do this one again next year.  The route is very pretty, especially Lucas Valley Rd, and I would like to do this ride and enjoy it a  bit more.  Marin Cyclists do a great job, the rest stops are well stocked, the food is good, dinner had some nice touches - roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, veggie lasagna, 4 different pastas, pizza - really a good selection of food.  The volunteers are great as well, friendly, helpful, encouraging, I saw at least 1/2 dozen SAG wagons throughout the day, nice support.


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